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Welcome to Vital Resorts Poland



Since it‛s creation in 1966, Thalgo has become a worldwide-recognized brand. Thalgo treatments draw their richness and efficiency from the marine universe. Their scientific team has developed a unique know-how in harnessing the powerful riches of the sea for aesthetic use. The sea is the cradle of life on earth and constitutes an immense reservoir of substances that are only just beginning to be exploited scentifically. For instance, one alga contains a thousand times more iodine, one hundred times more calcium and ten times more magnesium and copper than a plant on the ground.


All Thalgo products incorporate the purest natural ingredients from marine or plant origin rich in minerals, trace elements, proteins, amino-acids and vitamins carefully selected for their effectiveness and superb results, using the latest technology to create high performance products suitable for all ages, all skin types and for both men and women.

© Copywrite Vital Resorts Polen 2011
Exklusives Hotel an der Ostsee
ul. Grunwaldzka 32
72-346 Pobierowo

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