All treatments that strenghten the whole organism and soothe pain, tension as well as diseases.
Anti-stress head therapy |
Anti-stress back therapy |
Price: 60 PLN The ultimate in deep relaxation for head, with a calming, relaxing massage and blended oils to suit. The treatment brings your head in a state of relaxation, emotional balance and beauty. |
Price: 140 PLN The ultimate in deep relaxation for back, with a calming, relaxing massage and blended oils to suit. The treatment brings your back in a state of relaxation, emotional balance and beauty. |
Feet reflexology |
Face reflexology |
Price: 110 PLN A form of massage that focuses on the reflex pressure points of the feet. Based on the ancient Chinese belief that energy flows around the body and by applying pressure to the reflex points the energy flow can be improved and energy blockages released. |
Price: 110 PLN A form of massage that focuses on the reflex pressure points of the face. Based on the ancient Chinese belief that energy flows around the body and by applying pressure to the reflex points the energy flow can be improved and energy blockages released. |
Hand reflexology |
Kati Vasti |
Price: 80 PLN A form of massage that focuses on the reflex pressure points of the hand. Based on the ancient Chinese belief that energy flows around the body and by applying pressure to the reflex points the energy flow can be improved and energy blockages released. |
Price: 180 PLN A highly effective treatment for back pain and spinal disorters in which warm medicated oil is retained inside an herbal paste boundary over the lower back. The treatment helps to inscrease the blood circulation, strenghtens muscle and connective tissues and lubricates the joints keeping them flexible and pain free. It stimulates and nourishes nerves, relieving them from pain and numbness. |
Shiatsu |
Uphana Svedana |
Price: 260 PLN A manipulative therapy developed in Japan, incorporating techniques of anma, acupressure, stretching, and western massage. The treatment involves applying pressure to special points or areas on the body in order to maintain physical and mental wellbeing, treat diseases, or alleviate discomfort. |
Price: 100 PLN A highly effective Ayurvedic treatment for detoxifying the body by inducing sweat with help of steam, generated from medicated herbal decoctions. |