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Welcome to Vital Resorts Poland



... Passion and taste ...

Our excelent Villa Vital restaurant in Świeradów Zdrój - it‛s above all Polish and Silesian cooking, for which we are known all over Świeradów Zdrój. But thats not everything. Our speciality is also original Thai cooking, with a wide variety of diverse flavours of Thailand. All dishes are being prepared by our chef, for who cooking is his true passion and challenge. The dishes served by our chef are being prepared based on natural ingredients, without half-products, thanks to which they taste so wonderful and unique. In the menu of the Villa Vital restaurant you will find among other delicious Silesian, traditional Polish and oriental dishes of the Thai cuisine.

Our Thai cuisine in Villa Vital - Świeradów Zdrój - invites to taste unique dishes from Thailand but also traditional Silesian flavours.

Š Copywrite Vital Resorts Polska 2011
Villa Vital - Luksusowe pokoje w górach
ul. Żeromskiego 2
59-850 Świeradów Zdrój

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