Located at the edge of a steep cliff, with a height of 20 metres. Its base is a 13 metre high square-shaped building, on both sides of the tower. The light glare from the lighthouse can be seen 36 km away due to the 100W light bulb which is enhaced by 20 prismal crystals. It is the most beautiful lighthouse on the Polish Seaside. From the terrace you have an enjoyable and beautiful view at Niechorze, Rewal, Liwia Łuża and the seaside with its endless sea. The best look on the lighthouse is from the inland, and it is visible from several kilometers with its light in the night. At the entrance theres also an 60 year old garden with an 2 m high hedge and steep stairs leading toward the beach. The whole complex has been recognized as a National Culture Monument and recorded in a list of Szczecin District vintage buildings under No. A-1350 due to its unique structure, functions, preservation of original mass, layout and details referring to medieval architecture and preservation of nearby buildings with a garden.
- Height 45 m
- Light height 62.8 m above sea level
- Light scope – 2-mm (37 km)
- Light characteristics – B (10s)
- Geographical situation - wide 54o05‛47‛‛N length 15o04‛57‛‛E